What am I registering for?
When you sign up for Boot Camp & Camp 95, you are signing up for the entire week of July 22-26. We believe both of these environments go hand-in-hand, and it’s difficult to attend one and not the other!
Boot Camp (July 22-23):
Boot Camp is a two-day training for current 6th-12th grade students that takes place before Camp 95. At Boot Camp our students learn all of the Camp 95 curriculum, skits, games, and songs and how to share the gospel with children in a fun and engaging way. They build skills around public speaking, engaging and leading children in fun and creative ways, leading teams, problem solving, and getting out of their comfort zones all while growing in their own relationship with Christ, building new relationships, and having a blast. Boot Camp ultimately teaches our students they can have a role in impacting someone else’s life and that God can use their boldness and willingness to reach un-churched families on the First Coast. It’s being part of something significant, being part of something bigger than themselves, that really adds an irresistible element to Boot Camp. They are not just coming and consuming, but are being prepared to go make a difference.
Camp 95 & Summerfest (July 24-26 & 28):
It’s important to clarify that, when registering your student, you are signing up for Camp 95 and Summerfest as well. During the week, our students lead, engage, and serve our community by putting on 75-minute camps in the front or back yards of our Host Homes. Camp 95 is our favorite week of the entire year and the best part is that it’s completely student led.